What is Bioenergetics?
What is BioEnergetics?
This page is here for everyone who is wondering, “what is BioEnergetics?” And, let’s be honest, the main reason you might want to know more is so you can work out whether this could be helpful for you.
So, I suggest you start by watching this video. It’s short, easy to follow and will give you a sense of what is possible when working with your bioenergetic body.
Now, I will let you into a secret…I actually spent a few days trying to construct a page that would give you the information you need to make an informed decision. And, since, for most of you, Bio Energetic health coaching is a completely new subject, I found I had too much I needed to share to fit a single page.
So, instead, I have put together a free ebook to help you.
The ebook covers:
- How energy medicine fits with allopathic (conventional) and functional medicine
- What energy medicine can (and can’t) do
- Why energy medicine, in my experience, provides a critical missing puzzle piece when it comes to working with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- My training…and why I decided to train as a bio-energetic health coach
- A simple, fun way to help you decide whether this is something that could really help you.
Now, if this is your first time here, you will want to read through your ebook before you consider whether you wish to book a session. But if you are returning here because you know you want to book a session, please head over to the Bioenergetic health coaching page at this link.
And, if you would like a quick overview of the independent University research that demonstrates some of the surprising power of Infoceuticals, watch this ten-minute video. It summarises the results from a comprehensive research project undertaken at University of California San Diego. You may be surprised by what the research uncovered…
I was a little sceptical about the whole process, but I tried to approach it with an open mind.
Katie gave full explanations of what the scans had shown using images which are easily understood. The session was then followed up with an email report of everything that had been discussed. She is very patient and happy for you to use elements from the results that you can comfortably work with.
Probably the best part for me is that Katie provides a safe space to explore symptoms and issues. There is no judgement, just discussions and suggestions on how I could move forward in the areas I wished to work on. Not only have a number of my M.E. symptoms improved, but I feel that I have regained some control over health and a better understanding of my condition.
Lesley B.