More Resources To Help You
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- Phone: +44 7740 706484
- Email: katie@findmyenergy.co.uk
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More resources to help you
You will hear me talk about other practitioners throughout this website and in the linked material. So, I have put together a list of their websites, with brief descriptions of what they offer. I recommend you follow the links that are of interest, in order to carry out your own research and seek additional help.
Please note: I am not making recommendations here. The links I am sharing below are there to allow you to research further. Please use your own discretion when deciding whether or not to work with any practitioner.
I endeavour to keep the information up-to-date, but external links may change. So, please let me know if you spot any links that no longer work. Thank you.
Resources for you to browse further
The following resources are in no particular order. Although, I have tried to create some rough groupings to help you. Bear in mind that some websites may naturally fall under several groups, so I have tried to add them under the most relevant group. You may want to bookmark this page and return here to check out more resources in future. I will also add more resources as I come across them.
This is not a comprehensive list – there are many more people working in the CFS space about whom I do not know. So, if you know of good resources, please share them with me so that I can add them here. Thank you.
Practitioners and Clinics
The Optimum Health Clinic – treats patients with CFS/ME. The clinic offers a free 15-minute chat to assess whether their treatments could be helpful. Treatments cover nutrition and psychology modalities that have successfully helped thousands of patients improve their condition. Find more details at their website: https://www.theoptimumhealthclinic.com/
Ari Whitten is a leading energy specialist and offers online courses and information on his website: https://theenergyblueprint.com/
Dr Sarah Myhill is an NHS-trained doctor who now runs her own private practice, specialising in the treatment of CFS/ME. She has an amazing wealth of information on her website: https://www.drmyhill.co.uk/
Dr Eva Detko healed her own CFS/ME and now helps others to heal. Her website is: https://www.dr-eva.com/
General Information about CFS
Phoenix Rising is a large community-based website that brings together articles about CFS/ME, latest developments in research, and the opportunity for patients to interact and find help and support. You can find the website at this link: https://phoenixrising.me/
The ME Association is a charity set up to inform doctors and patients, and also carry out work to raise awareness of the illness. Their main website is: https://meassociation.org.uk/
ME Action is another body set up to inform, raise awareness and campaign for more research into CFS/ME. Find their main organisation’s website here: https://www.meaction.net/
They also have a Wikipedia-style site that is designed to inform and educate, so if you would like to research more into the illness, you can find that here: https://me-pedia.org/wiki/Welcome_to_MEpedia
Action for ME is a UK-based charity supporting the needs of patients and their families. You can find their website at this link: https://www.actionforme.org.uk/
Research Studies and Organisations
The Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) is both a charity and a research body. It co-ordinates research studies into CFS/ME taking place throughout the world, and also aims to educate and share the latest research findings. You can find the website at this link: https://www.omf.ngo/
DecodeME is the world’s largest study into the genetic causes of CFS/ME. You can follow the results of their research and get involved at this link: https://www.decodeme.org.uk/
Free Online Conferences
Keep checking back here to see what online conferences are upcoming. These are great resources for learning about the newest innovations in the field, and finding practitioners who may be able to help you.
Typically, these online conferences will be free to view for a limited time. You can purchase them if you wish to view at your leisure. And if you want to stay updated with what is happening, click here to join my mailing list.
The Mitochondrial Energy Summit: Free summit that brings together over 50 of the world’s leading experts on Mitochondria and energy. Runs from 20th-26th June 2023. Follow this link to find out more or reserve your spot: https://drtalks.com/mitochondrial-summit/
The Psycho-Energetic Root Causes of Illness: Free masterclass hosted by Dr Eva Detko, runs from 26th June until 2nd July 2023. Follow this link to find out more or sign up: https://chronicillnessmasterclass.byhealthmeans.com/